helpful information

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Time Zones

Want to know what time it is in UK? Click here to find out.

Current Time In the UK | Current Time in Ireland

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Exchange Rates
Exchange Rates

Click here to see the most up-tp-date exchange rates

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Geography lesson
Geography lesson

Do the terms Great Britain and the British Isles confuse you? Well, you’re not alone!

Here’s a pre-Brexit video to help clarify things.

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What To Pack
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Value Added taxes (VAT)
Value Added taxes (VAT)

Review these resources to better understand what Value Added Tax (VAT) is and how you can get a tax refund on certain purchases.

Value Added Tax in Britain 

Value Added Tax in Ireland  

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Concerned about how your travel impacts the environment? (We are, too.)

Click here for more information and ways to offset your impact on the earth.

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Covid 19 Travel
giving hands
Giving Back
Giving Back

Across the Pond Vacations supports the Life for Mozambique charity, supporting orphans and women in need.

Learn More

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