Category: 2020

Britain and Ireland Winter Christmas Festivals

Britain and Ireland Winter Christmas Festivals Britain Christmas Festival Holiday

The holiday season is a wonderful time to vacation and to learn, first-hand, how other cultures and countries celebrate Christmas. Throughout Britain and Ireland, you’ll find holiday markets, winter festivals and Christmas events to get even the Grinchiest of us in the holiday spirit!  From extravagant decorative displays to holiday themed events, there are activities […]

Snowdonia, Wales: What To See on Your Vacation

Snowdonia, Wales: What To See on Your Vacation Snowdonia Wales Vacation

Snowdonia National Park covers a vast mountainous region of Wales and offers amazing scenery, quaint villages, and adventurous activities. A trip to Wales just isn’t complete without a visit to this well-preserved area! Below, we give suggestions on what to see on your vacation to Snowdonia, Wales. Stunning Scenery Snowdonia’s stunning scenery boasts gorgeous mountains, […]

Welsh Rarebit Recipe

Welsh Rarebit Recipe Welsh Rarebit Recipe

Happy Welsh Rarebit Day! Use this easy recipe to celebrate with your own Welsh Rarebit. Enjoyed sporadically throughout Wales, this traditional Welsh dish is more than just “cheese on toast.” The name, Welsh Rarebit, is believed to come from the term “Welsh rabbit.” However, no bunnies need be harmed in the making of this simple, […]

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